Thursday, April 15, 2010

Nope. Cannot even pee normal

Riggs up to this point would not be known as your typical male pee’er.  He does not go up to the light pole, lift his leg and let it rip.  Riggs is a squatter.  Riggs would not be Riggs if he did not have his own style to peeing.  Even though he squats to pee, he has to lift one leg in the air and then squat as he does some circus balancing act on one leg.  As for his aim, he needs some work on that as well.  Every so often he will successfully pee on one of his front legs.

1 comment:

  1. Yup, got a young male pug that does the same thing. He can balance a mean squat!
    Regarding the sucking on toys in the next post, got one that does that too, then she falls asleep with the toy in her month and it's a frog, always. What is with pugs and frogs?
